Life can be easy. Because aloha nui au – it is easy to love (you).

My goal is to support you in finding your path. I want to act as a mirror for you, to help you feel your emotions and understand their context. I want you to not feel alone in all this. You will have to do the actual walking of course, but I can accompany you for a little while. I can provide you with water or offer you my hand for support when the path gets too rocky and you lose your balance. On this path, we can laugh together and have fun, we can tell each other stories and jokes. You will see, time will fly by! However, we will also stop every once in a while and take in what’s around us and how far we’ve already come.

My personal experience showed me that we don’t just have one teacher in life. I had many teachers. The biggest revelation for me was to realise that I am my own teacher, maybe the most important one. Supported by the only other ever-present teacher. This teacher is everywhere we look. It’s in every single one of us and all around us. Nature.

With my support you will hopefully come to this conclusion yourself. And you will feel that you can show up for yourself. Sometimes showing up for yourself means communicating your needs and seeking out help. The goal is for you to not walk this road alone, all disheartened and worn out, but with lightness and joy – and someone who supports you by your side.










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