What is Theta Healing?
The idea behind Theta Healing is that we all have limiting beliefs (e.g. “visibility is dangerous”). However, there are also beliefs which can help us move forward (e.g. “I am good just the way I am”). We store all of these beliefs in our conscious or subconscious mind.
I want to emphasise that these beliefs served us well at some point in our lives.
They might have protected us during our childhood or even saved our lives. As children, we are mostly helpless and can’t survive on our own. This means we depend on our “tribe” or family, i.e. the people closest to us, and need to adapt to them. As we grow into adults, we become more independent and autonomous. Because of that, we are able to make our own decisions in a conscious way, break with behavioural patterns and choose a different path.
Acting like you don’t have any feelings doesn’t protect you from them .
What Does a Theta Healing Session Look Like?
During a Theta Healing session, we will work together to search for these beliefs stored in your system. I will ask you specific questions which you will answer spontaneously and intuitively, without thinking about them too much. Your answers don’t have to make sense. Bit by bit, my questions will guide you to the deepest core of your beliefs. This is how we identify your core belief. Together, we will find out how this core belief served you in the past. In a next step, we will disconnect the capabilities you learned in that situation from the old belief. We will then replace the old belief with a new belief which serves you better in the present.
Do you have any further questions?
None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe